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Citation at Quail Hill Loop

Location Overview

Quail Hill Loop is a trail directly off the 405 South in Irvine. It is a 2 mile trail loop but also a trail-head that connects to southern Irvine’s trail network. The landscape is dry, grassy, and has an old west vibe. Even though the freeway is visible from the trail, it is like being in nature but not too far from civilization.

What we discovered: Quail Hill is federally protected land and frequently patrolled by Irvine police. We were stopped by Irvine police. No citation was issued but he did inform us, you do need a permit to photograph professionally in the area. He let us go on a warning and told us the following rules.

Rules: Stay off the grass. Stay on the trail. No lighting equipment or reflectors. No make-up or hair areas. (recommend prep before or in a car.) We honestly got let off easy. We violated pretty much everything. He was an understanding officer! Thank you Irvine Police, we have been educated and now know.

Rachel- Photographer

"Permit alert!!! Before our photoshoot, I have shot in Quail Hill so many times without any issues. When I arrived I noticed it's changed. Everything is fenced off, there's signs and rules everywhere. I decided to shoot as normal, but I was stopped by the Irvine police. He let us off but if only we stuck to the trails. Shooting then became difficult. You can stick to the trail, but the scenery drastically changes. It's no longer the wild landscape I wanted. My once beloved place to shoot is no longer on my to-go to list. The pictures turned out beautiful, with the help of some photoshop editing. My honest opinion, I wouldn't risk shooting here without a permit."

Sophia- Model

"Hell on heels! It was difficult posing when wearing thin heels. My heels would sink into the ground like quick sand. My suggestion would be to wear thicker heels, so that you don’t sink into the ground while trying to pose. After I had to use a wipey to clean them up. There was A LOT of dirt, but it cleaned out okay."

Ingrid- Hairstylist

"Beautiful! I found it easy to get to; I'm came from Palm Springs. Hair was challenging though. No outlets, although the bathrooms were clean. Suggest doing hair before you arrive at the location."

Irene- Make-Up Artist

"I got lost! Suggest finding the correct address. (Side note if you're by the firestation, you turned too soon.) On the make-up side, set up in the area by the bathrooms. It's shady but don't block the sidewalk. Do make-up outside. Inside the restrooms are too dark. "

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